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'Rose Davey Does Art' - YouTube channel
2008 – 2010 - MFA Painting, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London
2002 – 2007 - BA joint honors in History of Art and Fine Art, Edinburgh University
and Edinburgh College of Art
2023 - Opened project space Corner7, Camden
2023 - Gave birth to a baby girl, London
2022 - Understanding Crivelli, 10 minute documentary film on Carlo Crivelli's Vision of the Blessed Gabriele
2021 - Gave birth to a baby girl, London
2017 - Gave birth to a baby boy, London
2016 - 2017 - Honorary Research Associate, Grad Painting Dept. Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London
2014 - present, Slade Summer School tutor, UCL
2011 - present - Visiting Lecturer, Grad Painting Dept. Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London
Selected Shows
2025 - SUBJECT PLATTER I - IV, Corner7, London
2024 - The Idea Repeat, curated by Jonathan Watkins, APT, London
2023 - Mermaids, Corner7, London
2023 - Out of the Box, East Quay, Watchet, West Somerset
2022 - Same Same, co-curated with Sid Motion, Sid Motion Gallery, London
2022 - Red, Blue & You, with Gabriele Beveridge, New Cavendish Street, London
2021 - The Shape of Colour, with Francesca Anfossi, curated by Canopy Collections, The Room - Turnbull & Asser, London
2021 - Until the Walls Became the World All Around, Canopy Collections, hosted by the Van Gogh House, London
2021 - Colour & Poetry 2021 Symposium, online exhibition, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2020 - Rose Davey Drawings, online solo show, Cooke Latham Gallery, London
2020 - Conversations in Colour, with Erin O'Keefe and Leah Guadagnoli, Cooke Latham Gallery, London
2020 - Living Well is the Best Revenge, Canopy Collections, London
2020 - Show - Off 2020, curated by Rose Davey & Sarah Kate Wilson, hosted by Cooke Latham Gallery, London
2019 - Studio Works: Slade2Sing, The Studio at Thomson, Singapore
2019 - The Painting Parade, Glasgow, Collaboration between LKL and Glasgow School of Art
2019 - The Nomenclature of Colours, Slade Research Centre, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2019 - Sculpture Open, RWA, Bristol
2018 - Collaborators 5, Roaming Room, London
2016 - Something about Failure, with Tessa Whitehead, Austin Forum, London
2015 - Collaborators 4, Roaming Room, London
2015 - Summer Mix, Turps Banana Gallery, London
2015 - Creekside Open, selected by Lisa Milroy, APT Gallery, London
2015 - Edible Painting, The Tetley, Leeds
2015 - Between the Lines, with Toni Davey, Beardsmore Gallery, London
2014 - Show - Off, curated by LeandaKateLouise, Battersea, London
2014 - A Little Patch of Yellow Wall, curated by Jane Bustin, Lion and Lamb, London
2014 – Tortoise, curated by LeandaKateLouise, WW Gallery, London
2013 - Taking Note or The Curious Eye, NUI Galway Art Gallery, Ireland
2013 - Creekside Open, selected by Ceri Hand, APT Gallery, London
2013 - COPY, Paper Gallery, Manchester
2012 - Prophetic Diagrams, George and Jorgen Gallery, London
2012 – Assemble, Liquid Courage Gallery, Nassau, Bahamas
2012 - ING Discerning Eye , selected by Albert Irvin RA, Mall Galleries, London
2012 - The Royal Academy Summer Show, Piccadilly, London
2012 - A Wall is a Surface, curated by LeandaKateLouise, Londonewcastle Project Space
2012 - Back & Forth - 8 Artist's from London, B55 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2011 - Related, Illminster Arts Centre, Somerset Art Works, Somerset
2011 - 26, curated by LeandaKateLouise, London
2011 - Creekside Open, selected by Phyllida Barlow, APT Gallery, London
2010 – Measured, with Toni Davey, The Institute of Physics, London
2010 - Postgraduate Printmaking in London, Clifford Chance Offices, London
2009 - A Singular Pair, with Ian Bruce, Thompsons Gallery, London
Selected Publications and Public Presentations
2024- Commissioned exhibition reviews In the Swipe of an Eye, and Less is Morellet for Plinth
2024 - Carlo Crivelli - The Fly, the missing blob of wax and the Shadows on the Sky - paper delivered as part of symposium Painting in the Expanded Field, at Crawford College of Art and Design in Cork, Ireland paper delivered as part of symposium
2024 - Feather Green, Yellow Light, Double Red, Blue Stripe: Conversations on Colour within the Collection of Tate Britain
paper delivered as part of Colour & Poetry Symposium VI, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2023 - Commissioned interview with Remi Ajani, to coincide with her solo show It's not what you look at... it's what you see at Sid Motion Gallery, London
2022 - Conference Panel alongside George Shaw and Susan Collis, Crivelli and Contemporary Art, chaired by Jonathan Watkins, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham
2021 - Conversations on Colour within the collection of the National Gallery, paper delivered as part of Colour & Poetry Symposium VI, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2020 - Guest co-art editor for AMBIT 241, alongside Olivia Bax and Sarah Kate Wilson
2019 - I Dunno, I Just Like It, catalogue essay on the work of Claire Dorsett, commissioned by Workplace Foundation, Gateshead, to coincide with Claire Dorsett, Workplace 22nd June - 27th July
2019 - Where There is Darkness There is Light, catalogue essay for Tessa Whitehead's exhibition "...there are always two deaths", curated by Holly Bynoe, National Gallery of The Bahamas, Nassau, 2nd May - 28th July
2017 - Identifying the Artist's Subject Matter in Fifteenth Century European Painting / A Guide to Six Paintings in The National Gallery, London, Post Grad Painting Dept. Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2012 - Back & Forth: 8 Artists from London. Estelle Thompson and Tamas Jovanovics, B55 Gallery
2012 - LeandaKateLouise: A Strategy. Issue 6, Art Licks
Selected Awards & Collections
2010 - Winner of Adrian Carruthers Studio Award, Acme
2010 - Shortlisted for Jerwood Contemporary Painting Prize
2007 - Edinburgh College of Art, School of Drawing Collection – Edinburgh